21 March 2023 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD), established by the United Nations in 1966. IDERD marks the day the police in the Black township of Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire on a peaceful crowd of adults and children resulting in the deaths of 69 people, and injuries to more than 180. The crowd had been walking to the local police station to protest “pass laws”, which segregated the population and were a major component of the apartheid era.
IDERD is a time for businesses to reflect on current racial inclusion strategies and identify where they can improve – from assessing how well they are doing on supporting all employees, to strategic actions they can take to ensure improved racial inclusivity and eliminate any racial discrimination. With incidents that have taken place over recent years, most businesses are aware of the business case for diversity and inclusion and have taken action to combat racial discrimination. In this article, we look at 10 different actions businesses can take to improve their racial inclusivity, with the aim of sharing ideas and inspiring other businesses on strategy.
Actions businesses can take to improve racial inclusivity
Issuing employee engagement surveys to gather data on the progress of the business on racial inclusion from an employee’s perspective
This is an important step in understanding from employees’ own perspectives how the business is doing in terms of providing a genuinely diverse and inclusive place to work. From this, the business can identify areas where it is already doing well, and areas where work is needed to ensure change.
Analysing current levels of ethnic diversity using HR data
Whilst this data will only ever be as good as the information employees provide, an analysis of HR data can help identify any gaps in diversity within the business generally, or at different levels. Together with the results of an active employee engagement survey, the results can be used to help remove any structural and cultural barriers that might inadvertently contribute to workplace inequalities.
Implementing training on racial issues such as “unconscious bias” and “allyship” and issuing best practice materials to employees
This is a key step to ensuring an organisation’s goals to promote a diverse and inclusive workplace, free from discrimination, are met in practice. Whilst some employees might think they are already unbiased and perceive themselves as allies, others will have a long way to go and everyone will have something they can learn. Where training is implemented, it should be relevant for employees in all roles and at all levels of seniority. Not only is training important in helping to foster changes in mindset, but it is also an important step an employer can take to demonstrate its commitment.
Creating a diversity and inclusion policy signifying the business’s commitment to ensuring an equitable, diverse and inclusive workplace
This might seem obvious, and most large and many small employers will already have a policy of this kind in place. It is important that the policy is not just a box-ticking exercise, but an active document consistently implemented and regularly reviewed to ensure it works in practice. The document should make clear to employees what is expected of them, and what action might be taken if they fall short of those standards.
Publish aspirational targets for increasing racial diversity and ensuring inclusion
These might include targets such as increasing the number of non-white employees in senior roles or increasing diversity generally across the business, although care needs to be taken not to suggest positive discrimination is taking place. Aspirations should be put in place with an achievable, but ambitious, target date. To ensure developments are made, and that there is accountability, organisations should report regularly on progress made towards achievement.
Actively participate in reverse-mentoring programmes
As the name suggests, reverse-mentoring is where senior leaders and executive board members are mentored by more junior members of staff. This can have many benefits and enable leaders to understand the perspectives of staff of different generations, levels and backgrounds. Reverse-mentoring with staff from a different racial background can help senior leaders understand their perspectives, strengths and challenges, and foster greater inclusion.
Voluntarily publish an annual ethnicity pay gap report
Whilst there has been a legal requirement for certain businesses to report on their gender pay gap for some time now, there is no similar ethnicity pay gap reporting obligation. This was something consulted on by the government, but it concluded that mandatory reporting was not appropriate for various reasons. However, the outcome of the consultation did recommend that businesses consider reporting on a voluntary basis. Whilst reporting does throw up its own logistical challenges, it enables an employer to identify where any pay gap lies, its extent, the reasons behind it, and to take steps to address it where appropriate. It is also another key demonstrator of commitment.
Nurture talented colleagues from minority ethnic groups
Organisations should be looking to nurture all their staff and work to retain them, especially where they are particularly talented or key to the business. One way it might do this with minority ethnic groups is to create specific development and sponsorship programmes for those in middle-to-senior positions, to facilitate the breaking of the glass ceiling to senior level. If a business does look to implement specific programmes and schemes, it should be aware of the risk of positive discrimination as already mentioned and be careful to ensure it complies with legal requirements on equality.
Hold discussion sessions to address diversity and understand the perspective of all employees as to how things are going, and what further resolutions might be needed
Such sessions should be open to all staff and give them an opportunity to put forward views and ideas. This can also give staff the opportunity to raise issues about their personal experiences that might negatively impact the mental health and wellbeing of minority ethnic groups.
Introduce internship programmes aimed at helping ethnically diverse students across the UK to kickstart their careers
Internship programmes aimed at ethnic minorities can help give talent from diverse sections of the population access to careers, and help organisations identify talent that it might otherwise not have identified. In turn, this can help to break down structural and cultural barriers and foster a more diverse and inclusive future. We again highlight the risk of positive discrimination and the importance of taking advice in this regard.
Last year’s theme for IDERD was “Voices for Action against Racism”, which called for us to speak out loudly, listen closely and act decisively on racism. Whilst we collectively, as businesses and a society, have much to do before we achieve the elimination of racism, continuing to take actions, such as those listed above, can only be a positive step towards progress.
This content was originally published here.